
What kind of market structure is the automotive industry?
What type of market structure is the car industry? The US automobile industry is a good example of an oligopoly. It consists mainly of three major fir...
Was the automobile an accident invention or was it made on purpose?
Was cars invented by accident? Every day thousands lose their lives in collisions, crashes and accidents. Though the car itself is a fairly recent inv...
Bagaimana mobil mengubah kehidupan orang Amerika?
Apa dampak mobil itu di Amerika?? Pertumbuhan industri mobil menyebabkan revolusi ekonomi di seluruh Amerika Serikat. Puluhan industri spin-off berkem...
How Does Society Benefit From The Car?
How do people benefit from cars? Getting a car gives you the freedom to commute anywhere you need to. If you need to take a quick grocery trip you don...
Apa yang menyebabkan munculnya budaya mobil??
Apa dampak dari munculnya budaya mobil?? Kategori bisnis baru diciptakan untuk mendukung budaya mobil tahun 1950-an, termasuk restoran drive-through d...
The importance of Automobile in human life?
What is the impact of vehicles on people's lives? The modern negative consequences of heavy automotive use include the use of non-renewable fuels, a d...
Bagaimana perang dunia 2 mempengaruhi industri mobil??
Mengapa mobil begitu penting setelah Perang Dunia II?? Tekanan untuk Produksi Massal yang Cepat dari Mobil-mobil Sebuah dimulainya kembali produksi si...
How did society react to the change from horse and buggy to first automobile?
How did the first automobile affect society? The automobile gave people more personal freedom and access to jobs and services. It led to development o...
How did the invention of the car affect the industrial revolution?
What was the impact of the invention of the car? The automobile gave people more personal freedom and access to jobs and services. It led to developme...
Why is the automobile important?
Why are automobiles the greatest invention? Cars Enabled People to Travel and Relocate More Readily The most obvious change for everyday people was th...
Which helped the automobile industry grow after worl war 2?
What happened to the automobile industry after World War II? Factories were stripped down to make way for new equipment, and many car parts were re-me...
How was life before the automobile?
What was life like before the automobile? Up until the early 1900s, few people lived more than a few miles from where they grew up. It was a matter of...