
Saat mencadangkan di dalam mobil Apa hal terbaik yang harus dilakukan??
Apakah Anda seharusnya menoleh saat mundur?? Saat memundurkan kendaraan Anda, Anda harus Memutar kepala dan badan ke kanan untuk melihat ke luar jende...
What is the first step to you should take before backing any vehicle?
What are the steps involved in safely approaching your vehicle? Have your keys in hand, be alert to other pedestrians and drives, search for signs and...
Which are best practices with respect to backing up a vehicle?
When backing up it is best to do what? When you are backing up, it is usually best to Steer with one hand while looking over your shoulder through the...
Anda mundur dari tempat parkir dan kendaraan lain datang dari kiri Anda dan menabrak sisi kiri mobil Anda yang bersalah?
Siapa yang salah dalam kecelakaan saat mundur dari tempat parkir?? Pengemudi yang keluar dari tempat parkir bertanggung jawab untuk memeriksa lalu lin...
What happens when you back out and hit your other vehicle parked in the driveway?
Is the person reversing always at fault? When one car is backing out of a parking space, that car's driver is supposed to look for cars before reversi...
Can a vehicle be damaged if another car backs into it and it moves about 2 feet while in park but there are skid marks?
What happens if two cars back into each other? If two cars back into each other while pulling out a spot, neither of them have the right of way. This ...
When backing out of a trailer the operator is the one who should always look for pedestrians?
When backing and turning a trailer you should? When backing with a trailer, begin by turning the steering wheel in the direction opposite of the turn....
When backing up a car it is best to?
When backing you should what? Backing up requires you to turn your head to see beyond the head restraint. Do not depend on mirrors alone when backing....
Who is responsible when a car backing out of driveway collides with car pulling away from curb?
Who has right of way when backing out? In California, the default rule is that the driver in the “flow of traffic” has the right of way. The same rule...
How many auto accidents happen while backing up?
How many accidents are caused by backing up? According to the National Safety Council, one out of four vehicle accidents can be blamed on poor backing...
When is backing up on the freeway permissible?
In which situation is it okay to back up on the highway? In which situation is it ok to back up on the highway? It is never ok to back up on the highw...
Is backing up a vehicle dangerous?
Is backing up always considered dangerous? Always back up slowly to avoid collisions. It is always dangerous because it is hard to see what is behind ...