Knalpot - Halaman 2

Apakah mengemudi dengan knalpot yang bising merusak mobil??
Apakah boleh mengemudi dengan knalpot yang keras?? Mengemudi dengan knalpot yang keras berpotensi berbahaya. Jika knalpot Anda berisik karena lubang, ...
Apakah mobil Anda berisik karena knalpot Anda??
Akankah knalpot membuat mobil saya berisik?? Jika sistem pembuangan Anda memiliki lubang atau kebocoran apa pun di dalamnya, atau Anda memiliki lubang...
Apakah knalpot diperlukan pada mobil tahun 1946??
Kapan mereka mulai memasang knalpot di mobil? Untungnya, pada tahun 1897, Milton O. dan Marshall T. Reeves mematenkan “knalpot knalpot untuk mesin” me...
Apa yang terjadi pada efisiensi mesin mobil jika knalpot dilepas??
Apakah melepas knalpot memengaruhi mesin?? Jawaban cepat - penghapusan knalpot tidak akan merusak mobil Anda dan tidak akan menyebabkan kerusakan mesi...
Does magnaflow muffler increase horse power?
Will a muffler increase horsepower? A good muffler not only improves horsepower, but it also adds aesthetics to your car and gives your car a modified...
Can you still drive a car when the muffler falls off?
Can I still drive my car if my muffler falls off? So what happens if your muffler falls off? ... If the muffler has a hole in it, carbon monoxide can ...
What is the purpose of a Exhaust cover on a small engine?
Is it bad to run a small engine without a muffler? You can run a lawn mower without a muffler, but it is a very bad idea. Lawn mowers are a noise haza...
How do the muffler make your car run?
Does muffler affect engine performance? Mufflers' Effect on Performance A muffler's primary role is to reduce sound, but it can also play a role in yo...
How do you know when the muffler on your car is going out?
Can you drive a car with a bad muffler? The Toxic Exhaust The possibility of toxic exhaust fumes leaking into your car's ventilation system represents...
What a bad muffler sounds like?
What sounds does a bad muffler make? Loud noises When working properly, the muffler should operate quietly in the background. When something goes wron...
What is dot rule on exhaust for a semi?
Do semis have to have mufflers? California. (a) Every motor vehicle subject to registration shall at all times be equipped with an adequate muffler in...
What to do when you cant get your muffler fixed when court is today?
Is it OK to drive with broken muffler? The possibility of toxic exhaust fumes leaking into your car's ventilation system represents the largest reason...