
Which brand-name for premium gasoline should you use for a car that is a V6 and not a performance V8?
What kind of gas does a V6 engine use? for the V6, you just use regular. Some people use premium in it because they say it runs better or better for t...
Apa gas terbaik untuk digunakan untuk mobil??
Gas mana yang lebih baik 87 89 atau 93? Gas biasa dinilai pada oktan 87 di sebagian besar negara bagian, sementara gas premium sering dinilai lebih ti...
Bisakah Anda mengubah bensin tanpa timbal ke bensin premium di vios 1?.3e?
Apa bensin terbaik untuk Toyota Vios?? Mesin modern dilengkapi dengan sensor yang dapat merawat pra-penyalaan dan meminimalkan kerusakan, tetapi masih...
Can cars with superchargers run on regular gas?
Do you have to put premium gas in a supercharger? Supercharged said Yes, you MUST run at least 91 octane. What kind of gas does a supercharger use? su...
Berapa persentase orang Amerika yang menggunakan bensin biasa di mobil mereka??
Berapa persentase orang yang menggunakan gas premium?? Penelitian AAA menemukan bahwa tujuh puluh persen orang Amerika mengendarai mobil yang hanya me...
Apakah saya perlu bensin premium di mobil turbo??
Apakah boleh menggunakan gas biasa di mesin turbo?? Semula Dijawab Bisakah Anda memasukkan bensin biasa ke mesin turbo?? Ya tapi, mesin turbocharged b...
Apakah perlu menggunakan Super gas??
Apakah saya perlu bensin super?? Dalam pemberitahuan konsumen, Komisi Perdagangan Federal, mencatat “Dalam kebanyakan kasus, menggunakan bensin berokt...
Apa itu bahan bakar bermutu tinggi??
Apakah buruk menggunakan bahan bakar kelas tinggi?? Dalam pemberitahuan konsumen, Komisi Perdagangan Federal, mencatat “Dalam kebanyakan kasus, menggu...
Can gasoline that you use in your car cause that gunk build up on the valves like shell says it can in their advertisement on tv?
Is Shell gasoline better? WHY SHOULD YOU USE SHELL GASOLINE? All grades of Shell Gasoline provide unsurpassed protection against gunk. ... Shell Gasol...
Does premium gas extend the life of a car?
Does premium gas prolong engine life? Using premium gasoline in a vehicle that is designed to burn regular 87 octane fuel does not extend designed eng...
What kind of gas to use in 94 Chevy silverado 5.7 engine?
What kind of gas does a Chevy 1500 take? The Chevy Silverado takes octane 87 unleaded gas. It can run on premium gas, which is octane 91, but it will ...
What happens if low octane in fuel?
What happens if I use a lower octane fuel? Using a lower octane fuel than required can cause the engine to run poorly and can damage the engine and em...