Penangguhan - Halaman 2

How much does it cost to fix suspension?
How do you know if your suspension is damaged? If you've had your vehicle lowered, then it's natural for the frame to appear sunken. If you haven't, o...
Will any damage be caused to a vehicle if the air suspension is not repaired?
Can I drive with broken air suspension? Can I drive with broken air suspension? Like driving with completely worn out shocks, struts, or springs, driv...
Do car transporter trailers have suspension?
Do car trailers have springs? But rather than having the spring over the axle (like on a pickup truck), trailers normally have the axle slung over the...
Bagaimana saya bisa tahu apa yang salah dengan penangguhan saya karena tidak dapat muncul penangguhan pada navigator 1998?
Apa masalah paling umum dalam sistem suspensi?? 1. Menarik ke Satu Sisi Saat Mengemudi. Ban yang kurang angin adalah alasan umum mobil Anda menarik, d...
Mengapa ada kejutan pusat pada sepeda motor trail a79??
Seberapa penting static sag? Kemerosotan statis itu penting. Seberapa penting? Pertama dan terpenting, sag statis, bila diatur dengan benar, dapat mem...
Apa itu skyhook untuk mobil??
Bagaimana saya tahu jika saya memiliki penangguhan Skyhook?? Lihatlah tubuh shock. Jika diulir dengan dan pegas yang dapat disesuaikan maka itu adalah...
Can you buy an air car in South Africa?
Is air suspension legal in South Africa? Airbag suspension is acceptable provided that the front and rear suspension is fitted with the original suspe...
Why it important that tyres are maintained correctly as part of regular routine maintenance?
Why is tire service important? Tire maintenance is important on many levels, as it is the only contact the vehicle has with the road. Efficiency and p...
What is the difference between solid and independent suspension?
Is independent front suspension better than solid axle? IFS is simply more civilized than a solid-axle suspension. Because the left and right wheels a...
How to troubleshoot the suspension system?
What are the common suspension system problems? Some common signs that your suspension system needs a little TLC are Continued bouncing after hitting ...
What are the advantages and disadvantages of multi link suspension system?
What are the advantages of multi-link suspension? A multi-link suspension allows the vehicle to flex more; this means simply that the suspension is ab...
Back end of expidition is riding low?
How do you reset the air suspension on a Ford Expedition? The firSTStep You need to take is to check under the passenger side dashboard to make sure Y...