
Mengapa silinder truk tangki bahan bakar bulat??
Mengapa tanker bahan bakar bulat? Tangki besar cenderung berbentuk silinder vertikal, atau memiliki transisi sudut membulat dari dinding samping verti...
Info tentang tank tentara?
Apa saja fakta menarik tentang tank? Tank dikategorikan menurut jenis kelamin mereka dalam Perang Dunia I. Tank pria memiliki meriam, tank wanita memi...
Berapa biaya sebuah tank dalam Perang Dunia I?
Apa tangki terburuk di WW1?? Temui tank Saint-Chamond, salah satu tank terburuk dari Perang Dunia Pertama. Berapa banyak tangki WW1 yang tersisa?? Ada...
What are some cheats to team tanks?
How do I email wargaming? For the matters above please contact the official Wargaming Support eu.wargaming.net/support/. For anything related to this ...
Bagaimana tank bergerak ke kiri dan ke kanan??
Bagaimana tank bergerak ke kiri dan ke kanan? Tangki berbelok dengan memvariasikan kecepatan lintasan di satu sisi, menyebabkan tangki berbelok ke ara...
What tanks did they use in world war 1?
What was the most used tank in WW1? After 1918, however, the most widely used tank was the French Renault F.T., a light six-ton vehicle designed for c...
What is a tank powered by?
Do tanks use gas or diesel? All modern tanks use engines that run on Diesel fuel. Most use piston engines, but the US's M1 Abrams uses a turbine. Howe...
Does world of tanks cost money?
Is World of Tanks game free? World of Tanks is Free-2-Win, meaning skill wins battles, not money. Join a free online game accessible to anyone, whethe...
How many people dose it take to flip a tank over?
How many people would it take to stop a tank? Somewhere between 1 and hundreds. Can tanks flip over? Going too fast over a rise, lifting one track hig...
Where is the air tanks on semi truck?
How many air tanks does a semi truck have? Tank capacity is for the truck only, trailers must carry all the air they require. As stated you need minim...
What was the major problem of the early tank?
What were the problems with the early tanks? The first tanks were mechanically unreliable. There were problems that caused considerable attrition rate...
What is deep tank cargo?
What is deep tank in a ship? a portion of a ship's hold bulkheaded off to hold water. What are the different types of cargo tanks? The IGC Code categ...