
Apa yang dilakukan seorang sopir??
Apa tanggung jawab sopir?? Tanggung jawab sopir termasuk menjemput klien, mengantar mereka ke lokasi tertentu, dan memastikan bahwa kendaraan tetap da...
Apa yang Anda sebut orang yang mengendarai bus??
Apa yang Anda sebut pria yang mengendarai mobil atau bus?? Sopir adalah orang yang dipekerjakan untuk mengemudikan kendaraan bermotor penumpang, terut...
What do you call a person that drives motor cars and ends with ist?
What do we call a person who drives a motor car? A chauffeur is a person employed to drive a passenger motor vehicle, especially a luxury vehicle such...
What do you call a person that drives his employer's car?
Who drives a car as a paid job is called? A person who is employed to drive a private car is called a chauffeur. He is specially kept by some richer p...
What is the limo driver's name?
What is a female limo driver called? Definition of chauffeuse (Entry 2 of 2) a woman who is a chauffeur. What is a chauffeur person? a person whose ...
What is driving people around by car called?
What is it called when a car drives together? A convoy is a group of vehicles or ships traveling together. What is difference between chauffeur and dr...
What is the feminine for chauffeur?
What do you call a female chauffeur? Definition of chauffeuse (Entry 2 of 2) a woman who is a chauffeur. What is the feminine form of chauffeur in Fr...
What does a chauffeur wear?
What would a chauffeur wear? Male and female chauffeurs have the same requirements; however, female chauffeurs can wear a black business suit with pan...
What do you call a person that drives motor cars for a living?
What is the name of the profession of a person who drives a car a truck or a bus? Driver is a non-specific job title that describes someone who operat...