
Mobil membuat suara berdetak cepat saat kunci diputar?
Mengapa mobil saya berdetak ketika saya memutar kunci?? Apakah mobil Anda membuat serangkaian klik cepat seperti ini ketika Anda memutar kunci kontak?...
Apa yang membuat bunyi klik di sisi kanan mahkota??
Mengapa Toyota saya mengklik? Motor starter yang rusak dapat mengeluarkan bunyi klik saat mencoba menghidupkan mesin. Apa yang menyebabkan masalah ini...
What does it mean if your car makes a clicking sound when you turn like the sound is coming from somewhere near the front tires?
When I turn the wheel it makes a clicking noise? Clacking Steering Wheel Your steering wheel can make a clacking or clicking noise when you turn. The ...
What would cause a car to have no power and make a popping noise when started but run ok after a few minutes?
Why is my car popping when I start it? There are several engine components that can start making a “popping” sound when something's gone bad, includin...
Your Car Makes A Clicking Noise Today I Was Making A U Turn. And My Acura Legend Stop Moving It Stay On And Made A Loud Clicking Noise What Is Wrong With The Car?
Why is my car making a clicking noise when I turn? Your steering wheel can make a clacking or clicking noise when you turn. The clacks may indicate lo...
Is there a way to remove clicking sounds from your car engine?
How do I get rid of the ticking noise in my engine? It might be the lifters These lifters can get worn out over time, which inevitably causes a metal-...
What is the cause of a clicking noise on the front passenger side wheel?
Why is my front right wheel clicking? Popping and clicking noises may also seem to come from one or both of the front wheels. ... The noise most likel...
Apa yang menyebabkan bunyi klik di dekat dasbor di dalam mobil Anda dan kunci kontak Anda terputus-putus?
Mengapa kotak sekering mobil saya berbunyi?? Bunyi klik di kotak sekering mobil Anda disebabkan oleh relai yang menyala dan mati dengan cepat. Hal ini...
92 accord when in 2nd gear making a right turn it makes a clicking noise Do you have any idea what might cause noise?
Why does my Honda Accord make a clicking noise? Damaged CV joint The most common cause of a clicking or popping sound from the wheels is a broken CV j...
Why does car keep clicking when going straight and its quiet when turning?
Why does my car go click when I turn? If you hear a chatter or a quickly repeating clicking, you're most likely dealing with a battery or alternator i...