
Apakah Anda harus mengembalikan uang jaminan pembelian mobil pribadi jika pembeli melanggar kesepakatan lisan??
Apakah legal untuk tidak mengembalikan deposit?? Deposit umumnya dapat dikembalikan kecuali ada klausul ganti rugi yang dilikuidasi yang sah. Beban ad...
Do you have to refund a deposit on a car if the buyer changes their mind?
Can I get my car deposit back if I change my mind? Absolutely. However, if the terms of your contract state the deposit is non-refundable, then you lo...
Are you entitled to your deposit back no paper work has been signed?
Can I get my deposit back with no contract? If a payment constitutes a deposit, then the general rule is that the deposit is non-refundable upon breac...