
What kind of car does god drive?
What kind of car does Jesus drive? Jesus is believed to be driving an Plymouth “Fury.” Then, read this verse “Joshua's Triumph was heard throughout th...
What kind of car did the apostles drive?
What kind of car was Jesus? Jesus is believed to be driving an Plymouth “Fury.” What type of car does God drive? Most scholars seem to agree that God ...
What car does God drive?
What kind of car does Jesus drive? Jesus is believed to be driving an Plymouth “Fury.” Then, read this verse “Joshua's Triumph was heard throughout th...
Apa 2 fakta tentang orang Kristen?
Apa 2 kepercayaan utama kekristenan?? Percaya kepada Allah Bapa, Yesus Kristus sebagai Anak Allah, dan Roh Kudus. Kematian, turun ke neraka, kebangkit...
Kitab suci apa tidak ada yang tahu tanggal atau jam kapan dia akan kembali?
Mengapa Yesus tidak tahu jam?? Ketika Yesus berbicara dalam Matius 2436 dan Markus 1330-32, Dia sepenuhnya Allah dan sepenuhnya manusia. Sangat masuk ...