
Apa tiga bagian dari mobil??
Berapa banyak bagian utama dalam mobil?? Satu mobil memiliki sekitar 30.000 bagian, menghitung setiap bagian hingga sekrup, mur, dan baut terkecil. Be...
Sebutkan bagian mobil yang berawalan huruf p?
Apa 8 bagian utama dari mobil?? Sistem utama mobil adalah mesin, sistem bahan bakar, sistem pembuangan, sistem pendingin, sistem pelumasan, sistem kel...
Bisakah Anda mengetahui pst apa yang akan Anda dapatkan pada tes bagian 3 Anda??
Apa tanda lulus untuk ADI Bagian 3?? Nilai maksimum yang tersedia adalah 51. Jika Anda mendapat skor 42 atau lebih, Anda akan lulus dengan A, 31-42 An...
What Car part that starts with k?
How many car parts are there? A single car has about 30,000 parts, counting every part down to the smallest screws, nuts and bolts. Some of these part...
What is the main part of car a.c?
What are the three main parts of AC? Most air conditioners have three major parts the compressor, the condenser, and the evaporator. These parts work ...
What is the name of the parts on a car?
What are the 8 major parts of the automobile? The major systems of an automobile are the engine, fuel system, exhaust system, cooling system, lubricat...
Car part that starts with the letter Q?
What are the 8 major parts of the automobile? The major systems of an automobile are the engine, fuel system, exhaust system, cooling system, lubricat...
What px welcome mean?
What does PX mean? PX means Part Exchange. What is PX number? Pixels, abbreviated as px, are also a unit of measurement commonly used in graphic and w...
Name three parts of car which are liquid?
How many parts are in a car? A single car has about 30,000 parts, counting every part down to the smallest screws, nuts and bolts. Some of these parts...
Can you name some car pieces?
How many pieces have a car? A single car has about 30,000 parts, counting every part down to the smallest screws, nuts and bolts. Some of these parts ...
What are the parts of cars?
How many parts are in car? A single car has about 30,000 parts, counting every part down to the smallest screws, nuts and bolts. Some of these parts a...