
Apa itu produk opsional??
Apa contoh penetapan harga produk opsional?? Penetapan Harga Produk Opsional adalah metode untuk menentukan biaya produk di mana bisnis menetapkan bia...
Siapa desainer produk terkenal??
Apa yang disebut desainer produk?? Seorang Desainer Produk memiliki banyak nama. Anda mungkin pernah mendengar judul seperti Experience Designer (XD) ...
Apa kepanjangan dari huruf d di wd40??
Untuk apa WD-40 sebenarnya baik?? Apapun pekerjaannya, Anda telah menemukan solusinya. Produk Serbaguna WD-40® melindungi logam dari karat dan korosi,...
What is Product Depth?
What is product depth and width? The number of products in a product line refer to its product line depth, while the number of separate product lines ...
What is the process to produce a car?
What is the process of car? As the frame progresses, the car is literally built from the frame up to create a final product. Parts that are sequential...
Can person Sue a company for product defect?
Can I sue for a defective product? When a consumer encounters a defective product, that could give rise to a product liability or breach of warranty l...
Discuss the concept of product life cycle?
What are the 5 stages of product life cycle? There are five stages in the product life cycle development, introduction, growth, maturity, decline. Wha...