
Di mana hambatan angin terjadi??
Apa yang menyebabkan hambatan angin? Apa Penyebab Hambatan Udara? Juga dikenal sebagai 'tarik', hambatan udara adalah gaya yang disebabkan oleh udara....
Tunjukkan bagaimana resistansi sirkuit dan tegangan dapat diukur?
Bagaimana cara mengukur tegangan dan hambatan dalam rangkaian?? Tegangan diukur dalam volt, dilambangkan dengan huruf E atau V. Arus diukur dalam amp,...
Mengapa nilai R pada suatu rangkaian listrik berubah jika rangkaian tersebut dibiarkan dalam waktu yang lama??
Bagaimana r mempengaruhi arus dalam rangkaian?? R = hambatan Dengan kata lain, arus berbanding lurus dengan tegangan dan berbanding terbalik dengan ha...
What is the best method to check for unwanted resistance in a circuit?
What is the most effective way to check for resistance in a circuit? The most common and simplest way to measure resistance is with a digital multimet...
Why do car designers like to reduce air resistance on cars?
Why are cars designed to be aerodynamic? Its main goals are reducing drag and wind noise, minimizing noise emission, and preventing undesired lift for...
What affect does air resistance have on cars?
How does air resistance affect cars? Cars are slowed down when they stir up the air too much. Stirring up the air creates vortices and billows that ta...
What is air resistance on a car?
Does air resistance affect car speed? Aerodynamic Drag is a force which the oncoming air applies on a moving body. It is the resistance offered by the...
How do racing cars reduce air resistance?
How do race cars reduce air resistance? Modern vehicle design techniques that help reduce air resistance include, in addition to the smoothness of the...
What does 0 ohms indicate?
Does 0 ohms mean continuity? An ohmmeter is used to measure the resistance to electrical flow between two points. To say there is no continuity means ...